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Crash! is the story of a dog who hates the smell of paint and its owner who tries to paint a dog house.
It was exhibited as 2 versions, 2D and VR animation

↑↑ You can move around inside by CLICK AND DRAG
if it doesn't work, click
클릭과 드래그로 회전 가능.
Flower Popcorn
2D animation //꽃이 피는 과정을 캐릭터로 표현한 애니메이션
An animation about " How Flowers Bloom"

2D animation //점,선,면의 합을 이용한 캐릭터 애니메이션
It is about interpretations of dots, lines, and sides, inspired by Kandinsky's masterpiece

Online Exhibition
Theme : Black & White

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