Sorim Kim is..
a Visual development artist with years of hands-on experience in the animation industry. Involved in South Korea's
popular kids' animated projects: Multicultural team player with great organizational skills.
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경험이 있으며 프리랜서로 다양한 애니메이션과 게임 원화를 작업한 경험이 있습니다. 항상 도전하는 자세를 가지며 ‘소통형 인재’로써 함께 꿈을 만들어나가는 아티스트가 되겠습니다.
May 2022
Jul 2017~ Jun 2019
Dec 2014 ~ Aug 2015
<The Magical Grannies>
Visual Devleopment & Character Designer
Academy of Art University
- Worked on character design, environments, and props.
- Scheduled the production of project and documented progress while meeting
- Consulted with professors, colleagues, and professionals for work feedback and
made modifications according to suggestions.
Production and Development Team (Project Management)
Choirock Contents Factory / Korea
- Managed work pipeline and schedules for <Ghost Mecard> and <Dino Mecard>
- Communicated with multiple departments to finalize animation series and
collaborated with outside companies.
- Worked with pre-production department crews to create early character designs,
outlooks and atmospheres, model packets and rough storyboards to develop new
Character Artist
Studio Vandal / Korea
- Worked as a sub-character artist, designed sidekicks and extra characters for Flash Animation <The Little Stone DODO>
- Involved in the main design production and direction for a
undisclosed project and collaborated with outsourcing
Participated in the BG work of producing promotional
animations of the local community.
Clients include : Ninetale Corporation, Pivot Games, Archosaur Games, MCOCOA Games, Damda, Terapin, Lone Coconut LLC
- Created character design, model sheets, main cover illustration, background design, prop design and visual development for games and animations.
- Met with clients to identify ideas and develop concepts.
- Applied modifications to concept work according to clients' feedback while following deadlines.
Fall 2019 ~ May 2022
Mar 2016 ~ Feb 2019
Mar 2010 ~ Feb 2016
MFA Visual Development / Academy of Art University
Awarded in 2020, and 2022 spring shows.
MFA in Media Interaction Design / Ewha Womans University
> Thesis: A Study of Transformation Direction in Transformation Girl Animations
- Worked as a research assistant in the Animation Lab and supported visual exhibitions and education in the university
- Created a storyboard for Introduction to Animation (K-MOOC)
BFA in Ceramic Arts & Media Interaction Design
Ewha Womans University
Double Major